" Unity in Diversity "
Sekolah Kesatuan Bogor adalah salah satu sekolah swasta yang berada di Kota Bogor yang berdiri sejak 22 Agustus 1949 dan bernaung di bawah “Yayasan Kesatuan” serta memiliki misi untuk menjadi Sekolah yang Unggul, Berkualitas dalam Karakter, llmu Pengetahuan dan Profesionalisme.
Dear parents and Students
For Parents, congratulation for choosing kesatuan school as the part of your future! We want to thank you for you your trust to let your precious children with us. Your children future will be safe with us. We will raise your love one to become the best potential they can be.
For the future students, we welcome you to sekolah kesatuan where we will train you as future leader, entrepreneurs and professionals who can survive in any industries in upcoming artificial intelligent era in the future.
Sekolah kesatuan is the biggest and one of the oldest private school I n Bogor since 1949. next year will be our 70 years serving the education in our lovely city, Bogor, Indonesia.
As one stop education provider, we offer toddler, primary (Kindergarten, sd), middle school (smp), Secondary ( SMA and SMK) in our Pulo Armen location right beside famous pajajaran street. Other location at ranggagading campus, we have tertiary education (STIE)
To appreciate kesatuan alumni, we also have kesatuan alumni association (HAK) who contribute to our success of sekolah kesatuan. They have many social and student activities events such as blood donation and drum band.
I am One of alumni kesatuan from kindergarten to high school before I went to united states to continue my study to get bachelor and master degree. Kesatuan school has taught me many valuable lessons to be independent and adaptable in any tough situation to become successful person. I have been in director positions from different foreign companies in different countries mostly in education during my 20 years experiences.
We have ambition to change kesatuan to become GloCal (Global Performance but still inheriting local culture) by increasing quality, image, comfort/safety,communication, digital learning, creative and maintaning artistic modern facilities. Our local value is Bhineka Tunggal Ika and base from Pancasila. That our focus on unity in diversity.
We will need every support to make the dream come true including the parents, students, alumni, our academic, operation team along with board of trustees and the founders.



Orientasi Kualitas

Komunikasi Terbuka
Menjadi Sekolah yang Unggul, Berkualitas dalam Karakter, llmu Pengetahuan dan Profesionalisme.
• Mewujudkan Peserta Didik Berkualitas yang Mampu Berprestasi di Bidang Akademik Maupun Non-akademik.
• Mewujudkan Lulusan yang Cerdas, Berkarakter,dan Berdaya Saing Tinggi di Tingkat Lokal Maupun Global.
• Mewujudkan Sumber Daya Manusia yang Memiliki Etos Kerja yang Tinggi serta Mampu Berpikir Cerdas, Kritis, Kreatif, dan lnovatif.

" Unity in Diversity "
Sekolah Kesatuan Bogor adalah salah satu sekolah swasta yang berada di Kota Bogor yang berdiri sejak 22 Agustus 1949 dan bernaung di bawah “Yayasan Kesatuan” serta memiliki misi untuk menjadi Sekolah yang Unggul, Berkualitas dalam Karakter, llmu Pengetahuan dan Profesionalisme.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tincidunt aliquam libero, porttitor ultricies dolor fringilla ut. Integer non porttitor sem. Vivamus venenatis, dui ac semper pellentesque, erat ex fringilla justo, sit amet viverra odio arcu nec justo. Nullam sit amet posuere magna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tincidunt aliquam libero, porttitor ultricies dolor fringilla ut. Integer non porttitor sem. Vivamus venenatis, dui ac semper pellentesque, erat ex fringilla justo, sit amet viverra odio arcu nec justo. Nullam sit amet posuere magna.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tincidunt aliquam libero, porttitor ultricies dolor fringilla ut. Integer non porttitor sem. Vivamus venenatis, dui ac semper pellentesque, erat ex fringilla justo, sit amet viverra odio arcu nec justo. Nullam sit amet posuere magna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tincidunt aliquam libero, porttitor ultricies dolor fringilla ut. Integer non porttitor sem. Vivamus venenatis, dui ac semper pellentesque, erat ex fringilla justo, sit amet viverra odio arcu nec justo. Nullam sit amet posuere magna.